Success Stories

Since our beginnings in 2004 our students have achieved some incredible results and created inspiring showcases for their and our future. Please find below some of the reasons why we are so proud of what we do.

Two more Earth University scholarships won by amazing EEF students

Just before the weekend amazing news has reached us: Bertukan and Melat, two of EEF's wonderful high school students, have been awarded full Mastercard scholarships at Earth University. After their graduation this summer, they will be jetting off to Costa Rica where they will study Agricultural Science. They were the only successful candidates from...

Inspirational Asresach

Asresach is one of the most remarkable and inspiring young women we have ever come across. She has never met her parents and ever since she was adopted at a young age of 6 (by an old woman and her three middle aged sons) she led a life that resembled more that of a servant...

EEF and Earth University

Costa Rica has been voted the world’s happiest country many times and in various indexes over the years. We at EEF are very lucky to have established a connection with this beautiful country and all it has to offer. In 2014, we came across Earth University who have a wonderful mission that we fully subscribe to: “Prepare...

Another EEF doctor to be proud of

Frehiwot joined eef in 2009. Her parents and sisters live in the Ethiopian countryside far away from Addis and far away from any schools. Frehiwot was lucky enough that her grandmother took her under her wings when she was 10 years old. She brought her to Addis Ababa which is where we met Frehiwot...

19 medical doctors between 2005 and 2019

After 15 years of operation (we started EEF in December 2014)vwe have supported 235 youngsters in Ethiopia. 123 students have already graduated from university with degrees, 19 of them have become fully qualified medical doctors working in hospitals across Ethiopia (November 2019). You can see full statistics here. If you believe, like we do, that education is key to...

The Habtamu family

Fekadu Habtamu was one of our first ever students. This was his profile in 2005: Fekadu’s parents are farmers who live away from Addis Ababa. Fekadu has nine brothers and sisters and his parents are unable to support all of their children. The family lives in a grass-covered hut with no window. Space is so cramped...

Ephrem Girmachew, first EEF student

Ephrem (our first EEF student and the inspiration of our programme) graduated from Addis Ababa University in 2013 with a degree in computer science. He now owns and runs a very successful travel company. Take a look, they are brilliant! Southern Ethiopa Tours is the unparalleled specialist for authentic trips in Southern Ethiopa. If you are...